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Erika Kapin

The Open Photo Project is created by photographer Erika Kapin.  


"By photographing non-monogamous people in a variety of their everyday activities, I seek to present them as the complex, multi-dimensional human beings that they are.  Whether cooking a meal, on the way to work, or naked with a partner, these images reveal the complex lives of these people and their choices.   A combination of portraits, daily life activities and text excerpts from conversations will show an in-depth look into their lives and relationship choices."

"My goal is to confront the broad misconceptions that exist in the mainstream social landscape where monogamy is the default relationship style (and the only one universally considered ethical).  In addressing people who believe that monogamy is the only acceptable relationship model to cultivate healthy romantic love, I wish to introduce them to the beautiful, complex and fulfilling lives that are possible among non-monogamous people." 

"This project offers a look at the uniqueness of human relationships and an invitation to re-examine preconceived notions of successful, sustainable, and healthy romantic love.  Together, let us de-stigmatize ethically non-monogamous relationships by building understanding and respect.  The aim is for more people to accept that while monogamy is a valid relationship choice, there is a wide spectrum of other equally valid choices that can be as varied as the human experience."

If you would like to receive news from The Open Photo Project, such as if we will be near your city or when the photos will be exhibited, you may join the community email list HERE.

If you would like to support The Open Photo Project, you can do so by becoming a monthly contribution through the Patreon site.

© Erika Kapin Photography

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